Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Just look at me stretch! Posted by Hello

Ok... I know I told you guys I would talk about the labor next time I posted, but I didn't get the pictures from the hospital on my computer yet... so you'll have to wait a little longer. But these pictures are from today. I just can't seem to put the camera down. It seems like every time I do she does something really cute, and I have to grab it again!
Today was a great day, but one thing that no other mother ever explained to me was how much longer EVERYTHING takes when you have a baby. I knew getting ready to go somewhere was going to take longer, but I didn' t think time in actual places was going to take as long as it does. We went to a baby store today to look for some more books and everyone in there stopped us to say how cute she is. The lady that worked there was even calling people off their lunch breaks to come out and see her!!! All I could do was smile and think to myself "She is pretty cute if I may say so myself!" So I figured... "Hey i'm in a baby store, I have to expect to get a lot of attention here, with such a young baby." Next was the scrap booking store, which was the same thing, then Walmart! It took all day just to buy 6 things total from 3 stores. I guess its another adjustment I have to make as a mom.

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