Saturday, January 23, 2010

Just thinking.. and man is there a lot to think about! Some time around 10 December of 2010 I will be getting out of the Army. The thought is REALYL nuts to me. Not that I have been imagining myself staying in the Army, but the fact that I am getting my resume and KSAs together, really makes it a reality. There is SO much to plan in the short 11 months that are ahead of me! Moving Kayla a few months after starting her first year of school, finding a job from the other side of the country, the traveling/ coordination for the move... It can really be a bit overwhelming.

On the job front, my plan is to start applying around May. I plan to apply for TONS of jobs. Apparently just getting my foot in the door is what needs to be my priority... even if its not in my ideal location. Once I get an idea of where I may be working, I will be able to get a handle on schools and daycares in the area. WOW... this all seems like so much.

Ok... deep breathe... lets remember why im doing this....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I sit here and look at these pictures and cannot wait to get my hands on your children! LOL 15 days and counting!! Reading your blog I remember now how much I missed it. I know thinking about the upcoming move has it's overwhelming moments, but never forget that you have a family that you can depend on to be there for you, however you need us to be. We love you and while I know you have mixed feelings, I'm just crazy excited!! Sorry...can't help it! :)