Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ever wondered how sweet my daughter is?...

Tonight, after reading a few books. I told her to get ready for bed. Mykah was sleeping on the couch next to us. She says "wait mommy... I have to say Prayers for Mykah so the angels can watch over him." Yes... pure sweetness. :o)

She adores her brother. Usually a day doesn't pass that she isn't singing or talking to him. She makes up little songs with his name in them. Its cute.

And don't even get me started on how he looks at her. WOW! I don't think I have ever seen more love in the eyes of a baby. Truely a perfect pair.

Well... got homework to do. And a workout to do... and some Sex and the City to watch! haha
(also considering changing my URL... but don't know yet.)

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